Arkansas Vets Coalition

Veterans, Reserves and Active Duty from all parts of Arkansas and across the nation, coming together to support those persons who best exemplify the principles on which our nation was founded - Fiscal Responsibility, Independent & self-sustaining, Freedoms GUARANTEED by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, serving our country not for personal gain but for the common good!!
WE are dedicated to making a difference once more.
We have served in all branches of military beginning with the Revolutionary WAR and continuing in every conflict to include more recently from beaches of Normandy, in jungles of SE Asia, to conflicts in Bosnia, Somalia, The Gulf War, Iraqi Freedom, all through the Cold War Period of 1945 - 1991, dedicating our lives to fighting terrorism in both Afghanistan and Iraq,
we now arise to serve again, fighting to reclaim our country and the principals upon which is was founded!!.


05 December 2009

Beware - Google Work At Home Scam

Lately, a Google work at home scam has been plastering its way throughout the Internet.   The scam site is designed to look like a convincing news paper article and is currently circulating heavily through social networks (hacked and spam accounts) and ad networks. 

Example of the scam wall post on Facebook from a hacked account:


The scam site:


To "cash in on the opportunity” all you have to do is fork up a measly $1.95 for the “Easy Google Profit” kit.  Unfortunately, if you fall for the scam, you’re going to be taken for more than what you bargained for. Ripoff Report shows one victims struggle with these scam artists. Aparently they automatically started charging the victim $39.98 per month on top of an additional $129.95 fee.  On top of that, they enrolled him in a 14 day trial for another site, which charges $29.95 a month if not canceled in time. 

A helpful tip for avoiding these types of scams would be to question all links before clicking on them, especially in Social Networks. Nothing should be out-rightly trusted.  Ask yourself,  “Would my friend/parent/sibling really post this link?” The chances are that the link will stick out like a sore thumb and you’ll be able to avoid a nasty situation.   We also advise the use of safe browsing technology, such as the community driven browser plugin offered by our partners, Web of Trust

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