Arkansas Vets Coalition

Veterans, Reserves and Active Duty from all parts of Arkansas and across the nation, coming together to support those persons who best exemplify the principles on which our nation was founded - Fiscal Responsibility, Independent & self-sustaining, Freedoms GUARANTEED by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, serving our country not for personal gain but for the common good!!
WE are dedicated to making a difference once more.
We have served in all branches of military beginning with the Revolutionary WAR and continuing in every conflict to include more recently from beaches of Normandy, in jungles of SE Asia, to conflicts in Bosnia, Somalia, The Gulf War, Iraqi Freedom, all through the Cold War Period of 1945 - 1991, dedicating our lives to fighting terrorism in both Afghanistan and Iraq,
we now arise to serve again, fighting to reclaim our country and the principals upon which is was founded!!.


17 December 2009

ARRA News Service: Sen. Lincoln: Congress Can Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance Because Constitution ‘Charges Congress With the Health’ of the People

ARRA News Service: Sen. Lincoln: Congress Can Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance Because Constitution ‘Charges Congress With the Health’ of the People

You must read this especially if you live in Arkansas. With this I question which school did she learn this in .. it sure was not in an Arkansas School.. as a matter of fact I don't know of any school in this nation that teaches this fact.. and then anyone who is able to access and read the Constitution will never find these words in this historic document...
I also believe that a person who makes statements of this nature needs to go back to school.. I have always been told to make sure of your facts before opening your mouth to insert your foot.. or to put is another way "show just how ignorant you are"

Statements of this nature should make any and every Arkansas voting Citizen strongly question who this person is the purports to represent Arkansas.. and if she deserves to continue in her position..
Combine this with other positions she has taken, votes she has rendered in direct opposition to the majority wishes of the citizens of Arkansas
I believe that anyone with common sense, would support my assertion that this is not what the people of Arkansas need as a representative in Washington, DC

Arkansawyers need to send Blanche Lincoln a message next Nov 2 of "Your Fired" be electing a replacement representative that better reflects our principals and ethics shared by the majority of Arkansas voting citizens ..

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