Arkansas Vets Coalition

Veterans, Reserves and Active Duty from all parts of Arkansas and across the nation, coming together to support those persons who best exemplify the principles on which our nation was founded - Fiscal Responsibility, Independent & self-sustaining, Freedoms GUARANTEED by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, serving our country not for personal gain but for the common good!!
WE are dedicated to making a difference once more.
We have served in all branches of military beginning with the Revolutionary WAR and continuing in every conflict to include more recently from beaches of Normandy, in jungles of SE Asia, to conflicts in Bosnia, Somalia, The Gulf War, Iraqi Freedom, all through the Cold War Period of 1945 - 1991, dedicating our lives to fighting terrorism in both Afghanistan and Iraq,
we now arise to serve again, fighting to reclaim our country and the principals upon which is was founded!!.


26 July 2011

Setting the Record Straight: Veterans and The Path to Prosperity

I am posting this information from the Congressional Veterans Affairs Committee in order to offset the 'fear-mongering' of the Democratic 'Progressive" Caucus.. aka Liberals or Socialists

The Path to Prosperity increases America’s funding for services and benefits earned by veterans. Of the $6.2 trillion in spending reductions included in The Path to Prosperity, not a single dollar comes from veterans programs or services.  Under the House-passed budget, spending for veterans will increase from $128.3 billion in FY2012 to $164.4 billion in FY2021, providing $155 million more than the President has requested. This is the only area of discretionary spending in the House-passed budget to see significant growth across the budget window
Myth 1: The House-passed budget seeks to end advance appropriations for veterans programs.
Fact: The Budget Resolution passed by the House authorizes $52.5 billion in advance appropriations for FY 2013, a record level of funding for veterans health programs. The House recently passed an appropriations bill providing that full amount.
Veterans health programs are not the programs referred to on page 37 of The Path to Prosperity, because these advance appropriations are specifically authorized in law, namely the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act of 2009.
There are no savings from veterans programs assumed in the $6.2 trillion in spending reductions under The Path to Prosperity and no proposals for changing how appropriations for those programs are handled.

Myth 2: The House-passed budget seeks to end enrollment in veterans health programs for Priority Group 7 and 8 veterans

Fact: The Path to Prosperity provides full funding, including authorization for advance appropriations, for the Veterans Health Administration. This will allow VA to provide medical care for a record number of veterans and eligible dependents. The budget proposes no restrictions on any priority groups’ access to VHA and it assumes no savings from changes to veterans benefits or programs.

Everyone.. let's get the word out about the facts!!  Main Strean Media is not reporting the complete truth,.. I have never in my life witnesses such 'Yellow Journalism" as we are seeing at this time.

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